FastEdge - Real-Time Audience Measurement is Transforming Digital Out-of-Home Advertising


Digital Outdoor, a leading mobile DOOH operator in the UK, has been at the forefront of transforming the out-of-home media industry. They aimed to enhance their offering by integrating real-time audience measurement capabilities, and FastEdge emerged as the ideal partner to complement their existing datasets and provide robust audience metrics.

Digital Outdoor sought to revolutionize the DOOH advertising landscape by offering programmatic scheduling flexibility, cost efficiency, and genuine accountability to brands and advertisers. To achieve this, they needed a reliable solution to provide real-time audience metrics, and FastEdge’s AI-powered platform proved to be the perfect fit.

Business Problem / Opportunity:
The main objective for Digital Outdoor was to leverage FastEdge’s capabilities to access real-time dwell data, enabling accurate impression multipliers, dwell time, attention time, and demographics data. This would empower them to offer enhanced campaign evaluation to brands and advertisers.

Digital Outdoor embarked on a project to deploy cameras strategically on their vehicles, capturing oncoming road traffic and people around their digital screens. FastEdge’s advanced solution accurately measured the time spent by each vehicle within the camera’s field of view, as well as the number of people, their dwell time, and demographics, all while maintaining anonymity. The collected data was seamlessly streamed in real-time to Digital Outdoor’s Cloud Portal for assessment and combined with existing advertiser data for precise impression multipliers.

Results and Benefits:
The integration of FastEdge’s real-time audience measurement solution brought remarkable outcomes for Digital Outdoor:

  • Enhanced Planning and Buying: Digital Outdoor provided unparalleled planning and buying capabilities, offering programmatic scheduling flexibility, cost efficiency, and genuine accountability to brands and advertisers.
  • Accurate Audience Metrics: The combination of FastEdge’s solution and Digital Outdoor’s existing datasets allowed for the calculation of IAB-compliant impression multipliers, delivering robust and accurate audience metrics.
  • Real-time Insights: Digital Outdoor gained access to real-time dwell data, enabling continuous monitoring and analysis of audience behavior and engagement.
  • Improved Campaign Effectiveness: Accurate impression multipliers ensured precise targeting of the right audience segments, resulting in improved campaign effectiveness for brands and advertisers.
  • Programmatic Efficiency: Near-live impression multiplier outputs were seamlessly transmitted to SSP partners, facilitating programmatic trading and optimizing the utilization of Digital Outdoor’s DOOH inventory.


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